My Introduction

Hello! My name name is Alistair Price (candidate number 9137) and this is my A2 Media blog. As a member of group 1, I am working alongside Amber Mota (candidate number 9114) and Shayam Utting (candidate number 9164). To see my work, please use the labels on the right named "A2 Research and Planning", "A2 Construction" and "A2 Evaluation".

'Trip Switch' by Come What May

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Friday, 11 December 2015

R+P Post 30: My Shoot Board

The Shoot-board will probably be the most important document we take to each of our shoots. Not only does it contain a list of every shot we need to get, but it also allows us to see whether we're working at a quick enough pace to finish the shoot in time.

Due to the nature of our shoots, we have made two shootboards: one for the shoot on the rooftop and another for our shoot in the studio. Below are examples of a page from both.

Rooftop Shootboard:

Studio Shootboard:
Setup No.: The number of our setup; ordered in a way so that we can take each shot quickly and efficiently.

Time: The time at which we plan to take the shot

Location: The location at which the shot will take place

Description/Camera/Dialogue: The detail of the shot itself; what is happening with the actor, camera etc.

Actors/Props: The actors and props that will be needed for this shot

Director/Camera Op./Sound: The crew member who will be performing each of these roles. We have left these blank as we want everyone to take on each role in a flexible manner.

Takes: How many takes of each shot we have taken. This will be filled in during the shoot.

Identify good takes: Whether we have a good take of this shot. This will be filled in during the shoot.

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