My Introduction

Hello! My name name is Alistair Price (candidate number 9137) and this is my A2 Media blog. As a member of group 1, I am working alongside Amber Mota (candidate number 9114) and Shayam Utting (candidate number 9164). To see my work, please use the labels on the right named "A2 Research and Planning", "A2 Construction" and "A2 Evaluation".

'Trip Switch' by Come What May

Our Album Cover

Our Album Cover
Outside Digipak Panels

Our Album Cover 2

Our Album Cover 2
Inside Digipak Panels
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Monday, 9 March 2015

Research and Planning 19: Our Rough Edit

Following the test shoot, our primary concern was editing all of our footage into a sequence. This is where our animatic was extremely useful, as it showed us the order of each shot and how long each shot should last. We were able to replace all of our animatic shots with our test shoot footage, which meant that cutting our footage into the editing sequence took a very short amount of time. To edit our footage, we are using Adobe Premiere Pro. We decided to use this program as we used it during our GCSEs and are therefore very comfortable with it.

The most time consuming part of the editing process was cutting down the raw footage into something usable. But before we could do this, we decided to categorise our shots so that we could easily see which clip was which. The rough edit was our chance to bring together every element of our sequence together. However, we did not have our chosen music as one member of our group decided to create the music for our opening sequence. As they were unable to finish the music before the rough edit, we had to use different music as a place holder.
The rough edit allowed us to identify
problems with our lighting

Our rough edit was useful as it brought many issues to our attention. After we finished placing our footage in the sequence, we realised that we were missing some footage. Furthermore, there were some minor issues with our lighting as there was light spilling onto the floor and on the whole of our actors' faces. For our main shoot, we will have a better idea of how to control the lighting so that only half of our actors' faces are in light.

We were able to improve our
lighting in future shoots.
In reflection, the rough edit has been very useful for identifying problems in filming as well as editing. In preparation for our main shoot, we will have a better understanding of how to gather our footage and light our scene.

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